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Let's improve our service by discussing ideas, suggestions, and resolving issues together!
Let's improve our service by discussing ideas, suggestions, and resolving issues together!
You want to be able to chart your trades on StonkJournal? Usually you would do that on your broker platform but I will consider if it gets traction. Thanks for the feedback
@yevgeniy I think it would be helpful to have this widget - my use case is that I trade in the indian stock market and none of the stock names I have journaled have a chart with it, but if I change the name to like "GOOGL" it shows a chart. Since tradingview has the charts of (probably) every single stock in every market it would be helpful.
@bobstocks Can you clarify what you are looking to do and where? Thanks.
Those would be soo good if you would add them pls
hello devs, is it possible to be able to draw on the charts, we can see the entry and exits , but some drawing capabilites would definetely be an awsome feature , we could add our text and ideas directly on the chart itself
@bobstocks @lilbeans898 @iontanasov Please workflow this for me so I can tell exactly how you guys want this implemented.
hi @yevgeniy what i meant was a feature like in Tradesync or Tradezella, where you ll have like a widget of Tradingview in your trades , so you can draw your lines on it, notes and entry and exit points, this way we ll avoid adding our own screenshots on the Stonk platform, as we ll have them right away on the Tradingview widget
Imo, for the dev's sake, this is useless. You chart within your broker/platform. This is just a journal. If you want to chart the trade here, you can just screenshot it and paste it here.
Hey devs, i believe what they're asking for is the charting aspect of Stonk Journal which is advertised, but not implemented (see first screenshot). I would like to see my entries and exits. Other journaling tools like TraderVue call the TradingView API and takes the data from your journal's entries and exits, and places them on a small chart widget within the journal (see second screenshot). Is it possible to turn this feature on?